1322 Space Park Drive, Suite A248 Houston, Texas 77058 across from NASA and the Johnson Space Center

Our firm helps businesses maximize their profits, in and out of the courtroom.

Contract Disputes - Partnership Disputes - Commercial Lease Litigation
Breach of Fiduciary Duty - Promissory Note Disputes - Fraud
Theft of Trade Secrets - Injunctions and Restraining Orders
Claims of discrimination/wrongful termination under the expansive federal and state established by laws such as Title VII, ADEA, FMLA, ADA, FLSA, and the Texas Labor Code.
Individual employment contracts, severance agreements, and non-competition agreements.
Advice on how to reduce the risks of litigation through the development and modification of employment policies
Premises Liability
Product Liability
Medical Malpractice Defense
Employee Injury Suits
Automobile Accidents
The Bay Area of Houston is teeming with businesses. High tech, aerospace, petrochemical, retail, healthcare and entertainment companies dot the landscape between Houston and Galveston. Each is at risk for company-changing litigation.
Located in the NASA community of Clear Lake, The Law Office of Phil Griffis’ mission is to guide companies through game changing lawsuits and other crisis. We will get to know you. Through this website we will provide you resources. We will work with you to devise strategies to avoid litigation. But if your company has no choice but to litigate, we will put our years of experience into enhancing your company’s time, money and reputation in courtrooms across the State of Texas.

We are your:
Houston business trial attorney - Employment litigation defense attorney - Contract dispute law firm
Non-subscribing employer defense law firm - Attorney for premise liability suits - Houston litigation attorney
Medical malpractice lawyer - Product liability defense firm - Company auto accident liability defender